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Welcome to Make More Money

My Journey and Vision


By Mike Norng, Founder of AFS (Auto Film Specialists), Houston, Texas, and AFM (Auto Film Mastery)

Embarking on the Path to Innovation and Efficiency


At the helm of AFS (Auto Film Specialists), a reputable name in Houston's auto film industry, I began my journey from the ground level as an installer. The initial days of hands-on work sparked a relentless pursuit of efficiency and excellence, driving me to create specialized tools and equipment. These innovations, initially crafted for my team's benefit, aimed to streamline our installation processes, enhancing efficiency and reducing labor.

Pioneering in the Industry


It wasn't long before I recognized the unique niche my creations filled within our industry. As our team expanded, our reputation for unparalleled efficiency spread far and wide. Professionals from around the world flocked to our shop to witness our streamlined operations firsthand. Their interest in my methodologies and tools led to the inception of "Make More Money" – a venture dedicated to revolutionizing our industry.


Empowering Efficiency through "Make More Money"


"Make More Money" transcends mere business; it's a passionate mission. It's about elevating our industry, ensuring that our expertise is not just acknowledged but revered as an essential and artistic craft. I firmly uphold the artistry of our work – as I often emphasize, "This is an art, not merely a job, and artists always excel."


My Vision for the Industry


My ultimate aim is to cultivate a culture of efficiency among every professional in our industry. Efficiency translates directly to profitability; it's about working smarter, not harder. Through the sharing of knowledge and innovations, I aspire to revolutionize our sector, envisioning every shop as not just a place of work, but a center of both artistry and efficiency.

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Address: 126 West Gray Street, Houston TX 77019, United States


Phone no: 7135600669

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